Rudbeckia and California fuchsia
"Pete", the remaining yearling twin of Doereen's last year's production.
Pete had jumped over the fence while I was looking with amazement at the newly sprouted asparagus. He was quite surprised to find me there..he'd leaped over the virginia Creeper covered picketty fence and landed just a few feet from me. We doe-se-doed around the hummock until I was "on the flat" and he was hiding behind the asparagus.
and dang it, now I have to go to my "real" job.
HA! Pete is adorable--if a little distructive in his eating habits! :)
I am drooling over your zauschneria (or however you spell the Latin name of that California fucshia)... I had picked up a couple of those two years ago from High Country Gardens, thinking that since my yard is well-drained they might be happy here... but none overwintered. And yours are so gorgeous it makes me want to try them again... *sigh*
You spelled it correctly! I always have to look those things up..and even then I miss my typos. ;>)
too cold in the winter there for them perhaps? wonder if mulching the dickens out of them before winter would help.
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