Monday, March 17, 2008

more stuff n nonsense

This is the pale green orchid that I bought at the SF Garden Show. Its a mini Cymbidium.
And this would be one of the Indonesian "throws" I bought from Dave at Morningstone Statues. He had me laughing so much that I nearly lost control and bought everything he had in his booth. Seems to me this would look cool up on a wall........certainly it would look better somewhere besides on an old SW saddle blanket!
And thiswould be my new little Dendrobium kingianum, which I also bought at the SF Garden Show. They used flocks of these in the gardens and I hear that they grow very well outside in SF.


Lisa said...

Weeder, I've tagged you for the "Five Things Meme." I've been tagged and did it. Now you get to do it! Hee hee!


BoggyWoggy said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I am divorced and have shared custody with the kids' dad. I'm remarried, however, and the kids are surrounded by a circle of love. As "unstable" as that stupid conversation on my blog sounded, most days are normal...but, man-o-man, my daughter is WICKED at this phase! Man-o-man!
I love your garden pics.