Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bloom Day


will said...

Rub it in ... this morning we had an inch of snow. Since noon the winds and rain have been strong and the snow is gone.

weeder1 said...

We've had "mild PNW weather" today; overcast, some drizzle, a few drops of rain, a dash of very warm sun,dark, very dark clouds, and repeat. Not enough to keep me from planting and pruning and playing in the dirt though!

EAL said...

This is my second sighting of this candy corn vine in a GBBD post. It's cool!

weeder1 said...

EAL, your comment made me remember to look the "candy corn vine" up..Manettia inflata or M. bicolor.
I also learned it can be propagated by leaf, hardwood or softwood cuttings so must give that a try! This poor thing has been in the same pot for at least 2 years, probably more, and has had no fertilizer. Hardy beast! I will feed it tomorrow.