Sunday, March 29, 2009

weekend project

this is one of the weekend projects. Must say, the most fun as the other projects involved weed-whackers and lawn mowers and shovels. Will post more later. Too tired this evening after delicious birthday dinner. (Whoda thunk vegetarian cooking could be so good?)

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

What is this?

The problem with going, crazed and without a garden buddy, to a plant sale is that sometimes one forgets to make sure that everything purchased has a name tag. I bought a gazillion different salvias..luckily, they all came home with name tags but this little guy or gal remains a mystery. I know that it was "under the table" and at the Morningsun Herb Farm's booth and that it had several kin and they all had at least one big sign with all the important info...but that does me not a whit of good now. Anybody know? (I should always have a chaperone with me at plant sales. I'd still get into trouble but at least I'd come home with all the proper name tags..or, if Angela is with me, she will REMEMBER what things are. (Youth and a Hort. degree will do that.)

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Friday, March 20, 2009

Phaius grandiflorus

Awhile back I'd sent my Dear Friend Al a blog posting from The Grumpy Gardener about the Nun's Orchid. If I had a technobrain I could supply you with the actual link here... but I don't so either google The Grumpy Gardener or Southern Living. (He's hilarious as well as informative so you'd better check him out. Besides, there's a fabulous picture of the orchid in bloom .. Early March posting I think) Anyhow, Al showed up on my doorstep a bit ago with a Nun's Orchid "pup" in his hand for me. Is that sweet or what?! He got one too so now the race is on to see who can get theirs to bloom first. it came from

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Earth Hour

Thursday, March 19, 2009

misc. things in the garden




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Though I complain a LOT about all the chasmanthe that I unwittingly spread on this place, it IS definately a swath of bold color beginning in February and lasting through March.

Yesterday I discovered another reason to like Chasmanthe; the birds like it! There were several Yellow-rumped (Audubons) Warblers drinking nectar from the blossoms. Hummingbirds also enjoy feasting at it, no surprise there.

Phoebe, however, isn't overly impressed by the sticky spots on her face and head from the nectar splashing her as she bounds through the Chasmanthe maze.

I probably wouldn't mind the stuff so much myself if it didn't require mowing before it turns into a fire hazard.
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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Phormium "redheart"

I was only going to look for one "little something" at Windmill Nursery this morning but then Taylor just HAD to show me this Phormium. It was not a well behaved plant; When I told it to "sit! Stay!" it leapt off the shelf and into my arms. How could I refuse to take it home with me? Besides, it isn't often that I've found a georgeous Phormium in a one gallon pot. It didn't even cost me an arm and a leg.



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That's "Impatiens" not "Impatiend" wouold think I'd learn to spell check BEFORE publishing...but noooooooo....

Bloom Day

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

dare I say Brrrr?

It seemed quite cold to me this morning what with the frost on the neighbor's roof tops and the ice in the birdbath but then I read the weather report for Rugby, North Dakota and decided that its quite balmy here.



The Stellata magnolia continues to welcome Spring/

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