Sunday, July 01, 2007

peafowl update

Phoebe (the doggie) and Peabody (the peahen) were really at play here, Phoebe thinking it was just grand that Peabody would chase her. Phoebe prefers to be chased rather than TO chase. Anyhow, the day after this picture was taken I managed to capture Peabody. She has gone to live on 18 acres with a real, live peacock so has to believe that she has died and gone to Heaven. I miss having her around but am happy that she is no longer crossing our busy street in search of love in all the wrong places. She will make a most excellent mother to her peachicks. She was, after all, an excellent mother to the one Bantum chick that she managed to hatch and not step on 2 years ago.
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