Monday, June 12, 2006


"I'm stuck in a Vegiform and I can't get out! " That's what the little elf said to me this morning. I placed this Vegiform on a white zucchini a few days ago and picked it today. Excitedly, I unscrewed the "keys" and voila..the little elfin zucchini...refused to come out of the mold! Guess I'll leave him on the counter and when he begins to shrivel...maybe he'll come out. Drizzling olive oil in the mold didn't help; just gave him a shiney complexion. He is really packed in there. I saved the tag so that you'd all know just what sort of white zuchini this is...and lost it somewhere between the plant and the computer.

Ah-ha! French White Bush Zucchini! "French gourmet, mild flavor, few seeds, 3-5" peak flavor."

1 comment:

Angela Pratt said...

Here's a link to a squash corn... or corn squash . What if you run the form under hot water? Or stick it in the freezer? Or use your thumb leverage to push the face out? Anybody got any other ideas?