Sunday, June 20, 2010

first tomatoes!

To what did my wondering eyes appear? Not garbage lodged at the base of the tomato plant but actual RIPE tomatoes?! YUM!
These are even earlier than last year and the weather has been not exactly "tomato weather" and these are growing in a bale of straw... See? It did help to prune the 100 year old olive trees WAY down. Sure they look stupid but hey, Tomatoes! Yea!

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Lisa Paul said...

Jealous! Our wacky El Nino weather (late spring, lots of rain) has set everything back. Tomatoes are just flowering and the corn...well, I'm not sure that's going to do much of anything.

weeder1 said...

Oh I have no doubt that you will get a bountiful harvest from those wonderful raised beds of yours. The view alone should make the plants all giddy and productive!BTW, we saw fields of 24" tall corn north of Woodland this morning.