Ok, having August temperatures in June is simply not kosher.
The entire day has been spent moving sprinklers around followed by standing in the wading pool, followed by sitting in front of the computer with a fan gusting a breeze toward my person, repeat. It is 91 degrees here in the den as I type. Do I hear a collective "Oh you poor baby?" I will be happy to be at work tomorrow if only for the air conditioning. The forecast is for 106. Ugh and Phooey. Could be worse; at least I'm not in Bagdad.
This year's first Yellow Submarine cuke was consumed today and that was by me, not the deer! The tomatoes are blushing, the white zucchini has produced two more tender little yummies, and I nearly drowned the regular zucchini by forgetting all about a running hose.
The Cardoon is beginning to bloom. Ya gotta' love those blue artichoke heads!
Don't forget to hang your hummingbird feeders in a shady spot. I inadvertantly bumped into one of mine today and got a hot sugar water shower. Later I wondered why the hair was glued together on the top of my head. After moving the feeder to a shady spot, I got to hold the hose over my head. Ok, so I was leaning over. There
is a difference between "refreshing" and "Holy #*^! that's cold!"